06 may 2024 | 20:30 | kunsthaus kule

Kunsthaus KuLe | August st. 10 | 10117 Berlin

Makiko Nishikaze ani-mal-show audio + video presentation [music from my songs]
Henrik Dewes + Tobias Klich—guitars
täglicher Blick auf den Alborz by Farzia Fallah
Musik für Gitarre zu vier Händen by Chen Chengwen + Tobias Klich
Sofia Borges Trips & Findings—percussion & electronics

The May edition of this year’s LABOR SONOR concert series is featuring a new video composition by Berlin based composer Makiko Nishikaze. The guitar duo Henrik Dewes & Tobias Klich performs a piece by Farzia Fallah and a composition for one guitar played with four hands by Chen Chengwen & Tobias Klich. Percussionist and composer Sofia Borges presents a solo for percussion and electronics.

TICKETS 6 – 12 € sliding scale

A production by Labor Sonor in cooperation with Kunsthaus KuLe. Supported by the Berlin Senate, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt, Spartenoffene Förderung Festivals und Reihen.

24 june 2024 | 20:30 | kunsthaus kule

Kunsthaus KuLe | August st. 10 | 10117 Berlin

Lorena Izquierdo—voice action + Carina Khorkhordina—trumpet
Morimoto/Wong Seiji Morimoto—electronics + Eric Wong—electronics
Tatiana Heuman Voz Sonámbula for shrutibox&electronics

In the June edition of this year’s LABOR SONOR concert series the duo of trumpet player Carina Khorkhordina and vocal performer Lorena Izquierdo will present an intriguing performative set of sounds and actions. The duo Morimoto/Wong explores sonic possibilities within limited gestures to produce sound, with the attempt to reveal different layers of sounds within the parameters and the resonance between objects. Sound, movement and media artist Tatiana Heuman will show her new work “Voz Sonámbula”.

TICKETS 6 – 12 € sliding scale

A production by Labor Sonor in cooperation with Kunsthaus KuLe. Supported by the Berlin Senate, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt, Spartenoffene Förderung Festivals und Reihen.