Grammostola pulchra 4" DLS

Grammostola pulchra 4" DLS

A friend of mine asked if I could verify if this is a male and since my ventral sexing skills are almost zero I thought I'd double check with you guys. Male?
This is a really good example of epiandrous fusillae - I'll probably use this when helping people understand what to look for. That dot/circle of short, dark, dense setae just above the vent are the specialized setae which males have and females are lacking.
This is a really good example of epiandrous fusillae - I'll probably use this when helping people understand what to look for. That dot/circle of short, dark, dense setae just above the vent are the specialized setae which males have and females are lacking.
That's great, thank you so much! I'll use it for myself too then because holy moly am I still bad at ventral sexing. I can spot the tiniest spermathecae from a mile away but put any epiandrous fusillae in front of me and I suddenly have zero functioning eyeballs. Time to put the learning glasses back on! Thanks again. 😄

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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