The blogger The City That Breeds started last year the Cosby Sweater Bar Crawl, and he’s holding the event again this year on Saturday.  Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity to pull out your embarrassing sweaters for the greater good. All proceeds benefit Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter.

From The City That Breeds:

And so it was roughly a year ago that the announcement was made: The Baltimore area would raise its tackily patterned sweaters high and declare a new holiday of sorts, the Cosby Sweater Bar Crawl. The resulting crawl was a resounding success and a pretty penny was raised for one animal shelter known as BARCS.

Well, this year we’re looking to do it again, preferably bigger and better, including every bar along the Boston Street corridor. MORE PUDDING, MORE BUTTONS, MORE SWEATERS, YOU LOVE IT!

The bar crawl starts at the Dark Horse Saloon, 2324 Boston Street at 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 20.  Five dollar donation.  Se more on the Baltimore Fishbowl Events Page or go to the The City That Breeds.

3 replies on “Make Use of Those Ugly Sweaters with the Cosby Sweater Bar Crawl”

  1. Well, ammirnzi may think those sweaters are “distinctive” or perhaps “kitchy”. But it takes someone with a huge personal presence, like the Coz, to pull off wearing one of those very highly decorated knitwares.

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