Beitrag von Philipp Rickenbacher

Profil von Philipp Rickenbacher anzeigen, Grafik

Former CEO at Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd.

I share my views on Swiss wealth management in today’s NZZ interview with Chanchal Biswas and André Müller, where I talk about the current key trends, Julius Baer's strategic positioning for the future, and the exciting and challenging banking decade that lies ahead. Full article behind paywall (in German): #WealthManagement #NeueZuercherZeitung #JuliusBaer

Julius-Bär-Chef über Schwarzgeld, Russland-Sanktionen, Collardi

Julius-Bär-Chef über Schwarzgeld, Russland-Sanktionen, Collardi

Stefan Jenni

CEO bei Itau Unibanco Zurich

1 Jahr

Gute Antworten!👍👍

Stefan Becker

Let’s create the future of Blockchain @Token2949

1 Jahr

Hi Philipp can remember when we were sitting together talking about the next steps in digitisation. Good to see you're pushing things. I know you have some big plans for Crypto, DeFi and On-Chain transactions. Let me know time and place and I'm happy to help elevate JB to the next level. #changeyourgame

Aïssa Christophe Agostini

Expert People Connector & Strategy Advisor I Contemporary Artist

1 Jahr

I hope the next market will be Africa, Morocco is a hub between Africa, America & Europe. Thank you for sharing your interview... All The best.

Michael Gassmann

COO/CFO, Member of Executive Board at Privatbank IHAG Zürich

1 Jahr

Lieber Philipp, Spannendes und erfrischendes Interview, gut gemacht! LG Michael

Ray Soudah

Chair & Founding Partner , MilleniumAssociates AG

1 Jahr

interesting perspectives

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