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Translation of "drygt" in English


För att förverkliga detta behöver drygt femtio delprojekt genomföras.
To realize this requires more than fifty subprojects to be implemented.
2011 besöktes mässan av drygt 14500 besökare.
In 2011 the fair attracted more than 14,500 visitors.
Östermalmshallen har drygt 200000 besökare i månaden.
The food hall has approximately 200000 visitors each month.
Hela staden ska flyttas drygt tre kilometer österut.
The entire city will be moved approximately two miles east.
Utvärderades ett drygt tjugotal egenskaper hos medlemmarna.
More than 20 qualities of the board members were evaluated.
Divisionen har idag en orderstock motsvarande drygt 1,5 miljarder kronor.
Today the division has more than 1.5 billion kronor's worth of orders on the books.
Totalt kommer projektet påverka drygt 11000 studenter.
In total, the project will affect more than 11,000 students.
Denna gång har drygt 130 externa granskare särskilt...
This time, more than 130 external reviewers have focused in particular o...
Dessutom har universitetet drygt 2000 forskarstuderande.
In addition, the university has more than 2,000 graduate students.
Kommittén har för närvarande representanter från drygt 40 länder.
At present the GAC comprises representatives of more than 40 countries.
2012 sålde de franska tunnbindarna totalt drygt 525000 ekfat.
In 2012 the French coopers sold in total more than 525,000 oak barrels.
I lastbilen fanns det drygt 50 lådor med läkemedel.
The MediScripts truck, which was delivering more than 50 cases of pharmaceuticals, has not been located.
Amazonas djungel täcker drygt halva landytan.
Amazon Jungle covers more than half the land area.
Det bedömda ordervärdet uppgår till drygt 40 MSEK årligen.
The estimated value of the order amounts to more than 40 MSEK annually.
Därför är de drygt åttio åtgärderna i vitboken mycket nödvändiga.
The more than eighty measures from the White Paper are therefore indispensable.
Republikanerna har bara drygt 50 procent.
We have a Republican majority, but barely more than 50%.
Sordoni Skanska har drygt 500 medarbetare.
Sordoni Skanska employs more than 500 personnel throughout the U.S.
Totalt arbetar drygt 29500 medarbetare inom myndigheten.
In total, more than 29,500 people work for the Swedish Police Authority.
Idag har Wintrade drygt 4000 användare.
Today, Wintrade has more than 4,000 users.
Stölden av drygt två miljoner från Megatronics kassavalv.
The theft of more than two million from Megatronics vault.
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Results: 15179. Exact: 15179. Elapsed time: 32 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200