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Translation of "fattades" in English


Det beslut som fattades är välkänt.
The decision that was taken is well known.
Detta beslut fattades alltså förra året.
This decision, then, was taken last year.
Beslutet om oberoende härdkylning vid Forsmark kärnkraftverk fattades under förra året.
The decision to provide independent core cooling at Forsmark nuclear power plant was made last year.
Samtliga beslut fattades med erforderlig majoritet.
All motions were taken with the necessary majority of votes.
Besluten i kreditrådet fattades med 75 % majoritet.
The decisions of the CFIC were taken by a 75 % majority.
Beslutet om visumlistan fattades för två år sedan.
The decision on the list of visas was taken two years ago.
Bolagsstämmans beslut fattades med erforderlig majoritet.
The EGM's decision was taken with the necessary majority.
Beslutet att genomföra dessa befolkningsförflyttningar fattades i april 2003.
The decision to make these transfers of population was taken in April 2003.
Utifrån denna riskanalys fattades beslutet att bekräfta Nitra som föredragen lokalisering.
On the basis of that risk analysis the decision was taken to confirm Nitra as preferred location.
Beslutet att vidta maktåtgärder fattades av Natos medlemsländer.
The decision to use force was taken by the NATO countries.
Beslut fattades mot de portugisiska och finska flygplatsmyndigheterna 1999.
Decisions were taken against the Portuguese and Finnish airport authorities in 1999.
Efter långa diskussioner i utskottet fattades därför beslut om en strategi för att särskilt ta itu med dessa frågor.
Therefore, after long discussions in committee, the decision was taken in favour of an approach that is intended to address these issues in particular.
Nedan följer en sammanfattning av de beslut som fattades, samtliga med erforderlig majoritet.
The following is a summary of the decisions that were taken, all with the required majority.
Beslutet om sådan nedslaktning fattades efter samråd med och godkännande från jordbrukarorganisationer.
The decision to cull the vaccinated livestock was taken after consultation and approval by farmers' organisations.
Detta beslut fattades som ett led i tillämpningen av försiktighetsprincipen.
This decision was taken in application of the precautionary approach.
Den nederländska ministern ignorerade parlamentet när beslut fattades i ministerrådet.
The Dutch minister ignored parliament when decisions were taken in the Council of Ministers.
Det verkar dock som om kammaren troligen skulle ha bekräftat det beslut som fattades.
However, it appears that the House would probably have confirmed the decision which was taken.
Kommissionen underrättades och beslutet att inleda förfarandet fattades av kommissionärskollegiet den 17 september.
This decision to initiate this procedure was taken by the college on 17 September.
Besluten om att expropriera livsmedel fattades vid den tiden i Moskva.
The decisions at that time about the expropriation of food were taken in Moscow.
Alla beslut fattades i enlighet med Ahlstroms styrelses förslag.
All decisions were taken in accordance with the proposals of Ahlstrom's Board of Directors.
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