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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
på helgerna

Translation of "på helgerna" in English

on weekends
on the weekends
at weekends
on the weekend in the weekends during weekends
during the weekend
on the holidays
on week-ends
at the holidays
Frukost serveras dagligen och brunch erbjuds på helgerna.
Breakfast is available daily and brunch is offered on weekends.
Under vintersäsongen på helgerna och sommartid alla dagar.
In the winter time only on weekends, but in the summer time every weekday.
Jag brukade vara radioamatör på helgerna med pappa.
I used to do ham radio on the weekends with my dad.
Förlåt, hissarna är vanligen låsta på helgerna.
Sorry, the elevators are usually locked down on the weekends.
Observera att köket har begränsade öppettider på helgerna.
Please note that this facility has limited hours at weekends.
Dessutom får gästerna kostnadsfritt inträde till nattklubben på helgerna.
In addition, guests receive free admission to the nightclub at weekends.
En god brunch erbjuds på helgerna.
On weekends, guests can also enjoy a tasty brunch.
Veckodagar, är upptagen på helgerna.
Weekdays. I'm busy on the weekends.
Räkna med mycket folk på helgerna.
Expect a lot of people on the weekends.
Underskatta inte buller särskilt på helgerna.
Do not underestimate the noise especially on weekends.
Det finns även en loppmarknad på helgerna...
There is even a flea market on the weekends...
Utanför sommarsäsongen är frukost endast tillgänglig på helgerna.
Outside of summer season, breakfast is only available at weekends.
Under vinterhalvåret ges guidade rundturer på helgerna.
During the winter months guided round tours run on weekends.
Om det behövs uppvärms bastun på helgerna.
If needed, the sauna is heated on weekends.
Bra, fortfarande utsålt på helgerna.
It's going well. It's still selling out at weekends.
Deras män kommer hit på helgerna.
The husbands only come up on weekends.
Restaurangen har en välsorterad cocktailbar och erbjuder en buffé på helgerna.
The restaurant boasts a well-stocked cocktail bar and offers a buffet on the weekends.
Poliskontroller har blivit vardagsmat på helgerna på vägar i båda städerna.
Police checkpoints have become commonplace on weekends on roads in both cities.
Du bor i ett eget rum med halvpension under veckan och helpension på helgerna.
You will be able to use the washing machine and will benefit from full board at weekends.
Endast på helgerna skulle hon vara fri.
Only on weekends she would be free.
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Results: 1320. Exact: 1320. Elapsed time: 35 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200