
I was inspired to solve a multitude of problems for different users and just build a system that allowed for new problems to be solved over time.

What it does

It allows you view aggregated activity logs, to query for business intelligence (currently only supports a "who is" query) and allows you to chat internally with other users.

How I built it

I used a bunch of technologies I'm comfortable with (Next.js, GraphQL, Sass, Sequelize, etc.) and tried to build things I haven't. Chat and search have been two things I've been wanting to explore for the longest, so I tried to begin to tackle those problems areas in this hackathon.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

  • Built a application
  • Built an MVP chat (works on localhost)
  • Built a context-driven search

What's next for

Break up user interface components into a separate package (bounded by the Atmosphere Design System license - which other people can use to develop applications (with the appropriate ). Purpose of Lerna. is the only external service dependency at the moment. It was used in order to speed up development, and it offers a generous 60 queries per minute per application. This limit may prove to be a bottleneck in the future, so I'd work to transition to an internal natural language processing solution, or a solution that can enable greater scale at an affordable price.

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