Nutrition Combos for Programmers

Nguyễn Bá Anh
3 min readApr 20, 2018
Source: the Internet.

As a programmer, either you are a web programmer or a mobile programmer, also needs a diet to power up your speed of coding and bugs fixing. For many years doing programming in university and developing products at company, I’ve gathered some formulae and applied them to my own. I am still feeling fine now, don’t care it is healthy for me or not. But I am happy at the moment, with a lot of projects suceeded (and failed, too). Now I want to share a little bit to everyone, of course for fun only but it’s real, at least for me.

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Combo #1: 🍪 Cracker + Hot tea 🍵

This combo is healthy, easy to make and full of tastes: sweet, saline and crunchy crackers crumble inside your mouth. You start chewing and the flavors mixing together to become a mass, then you swallow it and I guess you are about to be choked 😣

Now bring the cup of hot tea and gulp a sip, you will immediately feel the heat is pervasive in you mouth 🤯 then the water makes a pressure to the cookie mass and start putting it down to your gullet, like a pump and I promise you will never forget this incredible feeling!

Combo #2: 🍞 White bread + Iced Coke 🥤

It’s easy to buy anytime, anywhere, and you can apply it instantly. You should select non-sugar breads because the coke contains enough sugar to satisfy your brain. White breads are boring, its flavour is not so instresting, so you need to make a combination with coke.

Yes, you do love coke and me too. This kind of black-liquid-with-bubbles can give you an explosion of energy, quickly boost you up to continuously code without making a break, one hand typing the keyboard, one hand holding the cup and your eyes still tying on the screen. Perfect!

Ultimate Combo: 🍜 Instant noodle + Redbull

What a perfect combo at midnight, noodle provides enough energy for you to continue coding in the next severals hours. And in this current period of time, after having something into your stomach you will feel sleepy because of the carbs in the noodle, so red-bull is the help for you, keep you always fresh before you welcome the dawn and start to go to work.

Thanks to the formula of gods! During the time I had been a student, this was my beloved combo to finish semi-projects over nights. . If you prefer spicy meals, add more chilly 🌶 for more exciting. This is also applied in the morning.

Additional formula: replacing redbull by black coffee is a bright choice, try if you want. Remember to use black coffee, do not use milk coffee because noodle and milk will produce milk-noodle not good for your guts.

I am afraid that many people will criticize me for the formulae above so in conclusion I have to say that it can be applied on you, but please do not apply often because this post just for fun only. Eat, drink, code, and sleep healthy. Happy coding.

