Minuteman Press Franchise Promotional Products Spotlight https://minutemanpressfranchise.com

Put Your Logo on Branded Promotional Products and People of All Ages Will Want to Carry Your Name

Even Twitter knows. There’s just something inescapable in marketing and that is people always want free stuff and if you “hook them up” they will likely look you up, perhaps for years afterwards. The folks at Twitter got an extra publicity boost when it welcomed new employees with a swag bag filled with wine bottles, a tote bag, a laptop sleeve, a notebook and a t-shirt with their famous little blue icon printed on all. Twitter is an online advertising giant, but they recognize their limitations.  The smartest advertisers know they need print.

Promotional products can get you IN the door, into hearts, even into the wallets of your audience for all their intended charm and functionality.  Not many among us turn away branded gifts and if we do, it’s probably because they were produced without much thought or preparation.  Yes, even though the demand for branded gifts is at an all-time high, it is possible to mess it up without a little guidance from an expert. 

Rich Hornberger is a Regional Vice President for Minuteman Press International, an authority on the efficacy of print in all its delightful and profile-boosting forms.  He says, “Promotional products are everywhere we look in our everyday lives. Whether one is at a theme park, museum gift shop or a sporting event, all of the branded products are promotional in nature.  Most consumers have some sort of promotional product they use on a regular basis.  Maybe it’s the pen from their local bank or the key chain from the gas station they patronize.”

Knowing which items are the best to use to promote your business can be tricky, so Rich offers some more advice.  “The best promotional products are those that are useful and durable and allow enough visibility to promote the advertiser.  Pens are one of the best promotional products because promotional pens have multiple users before they’re used up.  When looking to use pens as a promotional product, always buy the pen with the most ink, to extend the pens’ effectiveness.  What better way to brand one business or organization than through logoed apparel.  Branded apparel can provide long lasting advertising benefits, when worn regularly and it can provide a sense of unity and pride.  Branded apparel also helps customers to identify the staff reducing the possibility for customer frustration.”

In Torrington, Connecticut, Minuteman Press franchise owner Jack Reynolds is noticing current trends and preferences, but notes that all of them become empowered by customization.  “Branded apparel is a big part of our business, along with large format printing (including banners and vehicle wraps) Our products and services are customized and our clients expect and receive a lot of personal activity and we know if they don’t get it, it will affect reviews online.  To be most accommodating as we personalize things like promotional products, I added an engraving machine. It makes us nimble in the sense that we do not have to say no to good clients who might want 5 or 10 branded gifts instead of 100.  We always help them choose just the right items to reach their intended audience, too.”

Put Your Logo on What? And Where? How to Get People to Carry Your Name Brand

  • Your Staff Are Your Willing Banners:  Your employees are your family in business, too and they need to wear sharp (or edgy) branded apparel to suit your industry.  Hook them up with pens, let them drink coffee from mugs that show off the company name and remember that it will make them grateful to get presents from the boss. It can only help boost your profile AND your productivity. 
Minuteman Press franchises produce custom apparel that helps your loyal clients wear your brand with pride. http://www.minutemanpressfranchise.com
Minuteman Press franchises produce custom apparel that helps your loyal clients wear your brand with pride.
  • Loyal customers will reward your generosity:  You may have 10 or 10,000, but what matters is that you nurture the customers you DO have because they will feel like a million bucks (and spend a few with you, too).  Referrals can be plentiful when regular customers have nothing but good to say.  Branded, useful items are the cherry on your sundae of excellent quality…and class.

Studies show that nearly half of consumers would like to receive promotional products MORE OFTEN and when they use them, their loyalty tends to increase.

“Pens are HUGE,” according to Conway Wong, owner of Minuteman Press in Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey.  He doesn’t mean that literally (though oversized pens may be an option), but branded pens are an inexpensive and in-demand classic.  He says, “There are customers who want high-end pens and those who prefer inexpensive options.  They are cheap, but full of color and everyone uses them.” That is not all, according to his experience as a full-service marketing provider. “Tote bags have been in high-demand and since I invested in dye-sublimation technology, we can do metal prints and plaques, cleaning cloths for cell phones and glasses, too.  Sometimes, you don’t need 1000 items or even 100.  At our center, we can produce 5 or 10.  Branded apparel gives our clients similar advantages and we can customize quantity to their needs there as well.”

  • New Customers Await Those Bearing Branded Gifts:  Rapport and connection are easier when you’re giving prospects “freebies” right out of the gate.  Bringing a gift with your logo and contact information printed professionally gives you an excuse to drop by and talk.  Numerous studies repeat the truth:  Our subconscious minds remember companies and their people if they are kind and generous and that helps direct decisions about buying.

Knowledge from Experience is Shared by Veteran Minuteman Press Franchise Owners, Allowing More Customers to Have More Options in Promotional Products

“Each customer is definitely unique,” says Dawn Brown, owner of Minuteman Press in Kent, Washington. “We can’t just say, ‘Oh that’s just like the job we just did for someone else’ because –every job has that something special and we find it in personal consultation.”

Jeff Brown remarks about the advantage he has as a Minuteman Press franchisee in the always evolving promotional products arena and that is mentorship.  “Renee Mansour, owner of the Bend, Oregon center, has been a wonderful mentor and a resource for new ideas. I was calling her for pricing advice before our website was set up and she also helped us with promotional product advice. She even sent us photos of things that might work for us and offered her embroidery services if we needed it, which was great.”

He continues, “The number of promotional products is so vast and the requests are so different. Since we always want to say YES, having an experienced mentor like Renee as a resource is so helpful.  Our customers come out on top with just the right thing, customized to their needs.”

  • Trade Show Tip: Bring the Swag! Provide promotional products that are useful to the tech-savvy, like USB drives, along with the more classic ones like keychains and hats.  When you are extending yourself beyond the other vendors at a show with special giveaways, your presence won’t soon be forgotten.  Do not stack them aimlessly, though.  Something you had customized and printed should maintain a sense of value and provide you with a chance to make a personal connection. So, personally hand these gifts to your visitors as you talk.  It is classier and harder to forget!
7 Ways to Win the Trade Show Marketing War http://www.minutemanpressfranchise.com
7 Ways to Win The Trade Show Marketing War – Click Image to Read More.

Since ppai.com studies show that promotional products are helping to collect 500 percent more referrals from satisfied customers than an appeal letter alone, print your logo on them and get them to work for your brand.  Do not do it without guidance, though.  From mugs to mousepads and thousands of things in-between, make your life easier and give the task to an expert.

Your current and potential clients will thank you by carrying your brand name, and sharing it, too!

Find your local Minuteman Press franchise at https://minutemanpress.com and get started with promotional products today.

Minuteman Press International Named a 2019 Top Franchise by Franchise Business Review Thanks to Direct Feedback from Franchisees https://minutemanpressfranchise.com
Minuteman Press International Named a 2019 Top Franchise by Franchise Business Review Thanks to Direct Feedback from Franchisees

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