Tokyo Fashion Week Street Style Rejects Every Fashion Rule You've Ever Heard

A fearless individualism prevailed outside the Fall 2023 shows in Japan.

The "big four" fashion weeks — New York, London, Milan and Paris — obviously have a lot to offer in the way of street style. And because there is always plenty of outfit inspiration and trend information to glean from these events, it's easy to forget that there's a lot more style happening outside the Western fashion capitals. Case in point: Tokyo Fashion Week just wrapped, and its showgoers dressed nothing like those photographed in New York and Europe just weeks prior.

For the most part, the Japanese street-style crowd rejected every fashion trend, rule and aesthetic that might be on your radar right now, making Western street style look downright homogenous. A fearless individualism prevailed outside the Fall 2023 shows, with a wide range of aesthetics represented. That said, a few trends did emerge, including a moody color palette (black was everywhere), bulky layering, platform boots and voluminous ruffles.

See the 44 best looks from Tokyo Fashion Week Fall 2023 street style below.

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