Dhyan Foundation

Dhyan Foundation

Journey of the Spirit...

Sanatan Pranayama

This pranayama is created by Yogi Ashwini C/o Dhyan Foundation, A-80, South Extension -2, New Delhi 110049
Sanatan Pranayma

One needs to maintain the complete awareness of the three main nadis, i.e. Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

We begin by inhaling from the left nostril and pulling up prana from the Mool Chakra, through the Ida which starts from the left of the Mool Chakra, cuts the Swadishthan Chakra from the left, goes up to the Manipoorak Chakra, cuts the Manipoorak Chakra from the right, goes up to the Anahad Chakra and cuts it from the left, goes up to the Vishuddhi Chakra, cuts it from the right, and goes till the Agya Chakra and cuts it from the left and prana moves into the brain. Internally we chant OM as we move up.

Exhalation is from the right nostril, awareness is of the Sushumna Nadi and the entire brain area, OM is chanted ALOUD, mouth remains closed, the chant of OM resembles the humming of a bee, the mouth does not open.

At the end of the breath, we again start from the Mool Chakra, the inhalation is now from the right nostril, the movement upwards is in the Pingala Nadi, with the internal chant of OM. We begin from the right side of the Mool Chakra, cut the Swadishthan Chakra from the right, cross over to its left, move up to the Manipoorak Chakra, cut it from the left, cross over to the right, go up to the Anahad Chakra, cut it from the right, cross over to the left, move to the Vishuddhi Chakra, cut it from the left, cross over to the right, go to the Agya Chakra, enter it from the right and move up into the brain .

Exhale with the loud chant of OM, the mouth is closed so the chant would be like the hum of a bee, maintaining awareness of the brain and the Sushumna Nadi. At the end of the exhalation, you should be at the Mool Chakra.

Repeat the process as detailed above, beginning from the Ida Nadi again.

After 15 to 30 minutes (recommended, or else after as long as you are comfortable) drop awareness of the nadis and just do the inhalation and exhalation from alternate nostrils like in the Nadi Shodhanam Pranayama, the chant of OM like the hum would be silent on inhalation and a humming sound on exhalation. Be careful not to open the mouth and maintain complete inner awareness of the brain and the cosmos.

After six months of regular practice, the movements of the nadis need not be done, just doing Nadi Shodhanam with awareness of the Sushumna Nadi and the brain with the cosmos, along with the silent chant of OM on inhalation and humming chant on exhalation is enough.

By now your higher brain centers would be activated and experiences would be happening.