Introduction: Sharp VZ-3000 Record Player Restoration

About: Hello I'm Jerry I like making interesting things I also have a YouTube channel (ItsErickLeaf)

I picked up this old record player at a garage sale for dirt cheap a while back and tried my hand at refurbishing old electronics.


For this project I used:

-Surf onn - or any air duster

-Isopropyl alcohol 70-80%



Step 1: Clean Off Power Cords

First I sanded down some cruddy residue on the power cord.

Step 2: Take Off the Back and Clean the Insides

Used the Surf Onn to blow it out and then cleaned it up with a q-tip and alcohol.

Step 3: Put It Back Together

Just simply put it back together it's not that hard.

Step 4: Take Off Plastic Covering for Cleaning

Unscrewed the plastic covering and gave the whole thing a nice wipe down

Step 5: Finishing Touches

The cassette player wasn't working so I cleaned the heads, pinch roller, and capstan with a q-tip.

Pro tip: Play the cassette and hold the q-tip over the moving parts it's a lot easier than moving it manually.

Step 6: Done... for Now

Well, that's all I have done to it so far, If you like or didn't like what I did let me know I would appreciate your feedback.

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