Jonas Gustafsson’s Post

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Group CEO Allente

Lion share of our customers at Allente Nordic are old and they are getting older. No news or surprises for us with a legacy customer base serving 700 000 satellite TV customers in the Nordics. However, with that, we have the luxury of having our core customers in “the golden target group” of +60 years old. A group that is highly loyal, very engaged, wealthy and high volume entertainments consumers. In a recent DAGENSMEDIA article, Peter Nilsson analyzes the future TV behavior and viewing based on data and insights from Adons and Pace Predicts which resonates around the attractiveness of the golden group.   At Allente, we’re working hard to renew the TV experience and target the mid-life segments – by enhancing experiences and product features - just like everyone else. So while we are trying to charm the stressed families in their 30-ies, maybe we should put even more focus on our happy 60+ customers, with more time on their hands for enjoying our tv services.   Food for thought.  

Prognos: Så utvecklas tv-tittandet till 2025

Prognos: Så utvecklas tv-tittandet till 2025

Ann Lindskog

Interim manager, project leader, speaker, trainer, change leader - focusing on making differences that make the difference


My parents (age 86 and 87) are your customers, enjoying ”TV” many hours a day. They struggle with understanding watch on demand, when you like. What about the TV-table telling us what’s on, they ask? How can we watch TV on this when the parabole box is upstairs, they asked when I bought them a new Smart-TV. I downloaded the Allente app and showed them. They shook their heads and were happy, although understanding little. What they struggle with is not applicable to ”the general +60”, as they are +80, but I reckon there are a lot of +80 that have the TV as their only companion so there is an honorable opportunity here to keep them as customers. Maybe connect with social help carers so they can help them to turn on the SmartTV, download the app, and use Allente? The control to a new SmartTV is however a dreadful piece of technology in a nice design (nice to a younger person that is!). With stiffer, fingers full of artrosis, it is hard to manage change of programme, volume etc. Samsung definately did not think of +80 customers….

Gert Skov Petersen

Connecting media with people • Media mastery made easy • Streamline media engagement and monetization • Updating media paradigms • Viewer & business centric • Fusing media with broadband & broadcast


With a growing proportion of the population aged 60 and above, and a life expectancy exceeding 83 years in Norway, you should be well-positioned for the foreseeable future. 😊 The only potential challenge is their grandchildren, who could introduce them to new media habits and the concept of churn. 🤔

More time and probably more money, as well!

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