Feel the passion of Carl Rottmann in our art prints.

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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur

Feel the passion of Carl Rottmann in our art prints.

Our art reproductions bring moments of comfort directly into your home.

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Carl Rottmann
Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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The most popular works of Carl Rottmann

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

Undated | oil on canvas

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Sonnenuntergang am Starnberger See
Undated | Oil on canvas

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Schlachtfeld bei Marathon
1849 | Oil on canvas

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The most popular works of Carl Rottmann

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

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Discover more artworks by Carl Rottmann

31 artworks found

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Flußlandschaft mit Kirchenruine
Undated | canvas

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Undated | oil on canvas

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Hirschjagd am Hintersee bei Berc...
Undated | wood

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1829 | painting

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Undated | canvas

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Kosmische Sturmlandschaft
Undated | Oil on canvas

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Der Kochelsee
1840 | painting

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Blick über Genua
1826 | painting

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Vorgebirgslandschaft bei Murnau
Undated | canvas

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1843 | watercolor

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Gebirgslandschaft mit Flusslauf ...
1823 | painting

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1834 | watercolor

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Die Insel Delos bei Sonnenaufgang
Undated | Oil on paper on plywood

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Vorgebirgslandschaft bei Murnau
Undated | canvas

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Undated | oil on cardboard

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Akropolis von Athen
Undated | oil on wood (tondo)

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Undated | watercolor over graphite on wove paper

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Undated | graphite on wove paper

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Carl Rottmann

The 19th century - an era of upheaval, decline and new beginnings. In the midst of change, a landscape painter who knows how to capture the horizons where history, present and future meet. Carl Rottmann, who would remain devoted to monumental landscape painting throughout his life, immortalized not mere sections of nature, but sites of historical activity, relics of human civilization. His views will earn him the favor of a king and lead to a break with idealized classicism.

Born the son of a university drawing teacher, Rottmann is predestined to pursue a career in the performing arts. He learns to hold a paintbrush even before he takes his first steps. His father teaches and encourages the young talent. Rottmann spends his youth in the company of artists and free spirits, soaking up influences from Johann Christian Xeller and George Augustus Wallis. It is the pre-Alpine landscapes that awaken Rottmann's sense of aesthetics, his passion for nature, for the traces of history that rise up in it. The mountains and hills, Heidelberg Castle, the Neckar River are among Rottmann's earliest motifs. But the domestic world becomes narrow for him. The young man travels through Germany and Austria, finds inspiration in the Salzburg countryside. In Munich he finally meets his destiny. His marriage to Friederike Sckell brings him to the attention of none other than the Bavarian king.

Just thirty years old and in the prime of his creative power, Rottmann's world suddenly expands. Ludwig I wants a view of Palermo, finances the young painter's trip to Sicily. Rottmann finds himself at a crossroads. The fate of his future work depends on the monarch's approval or disapproval. But he masters the test. Ludwig I becomes an open admirer of Rottmann, who does not shy away from depicting decay and transience. The regent commissioned several cycles of paintings from his favorite landscape painter. The first comprises 28 paintings of Italian landscapes in fresco technique and is to adorn the arcades of the Munich Hofgarten. Rottmann worked for three years on the commission, the completed result of which fell victim far too early to the inclement German weather, the influence of a nearby fountain, and wanton vandalism. But Rottmann knows nothing of this when he begins a second cycle of paintings in 1833. At the request of the king he was to immortalize 38 views of ancient Greek sites. Rottmann undertook an extended trip to Greece, experienced hardships and unrest. Back in Munich, he works under the scrupulous observation of the king, who checks the progress of his work almost daily. But progress was slow. Constantly, new decisions are made about technique, painting background, colors and the exhibition site. The undertaking turns into an odyssey. Rottmann's vision was reduced to 23 works, the completion took almost a third of his life. Although Rottmann was appointed court painter in 1841, shortly after the completion of the Greece cycle, he died, exhausted and tormented by pain, at the age of only 53, of an abdominal disease.

Carl Rottmann

The 19th century - an era of upheaval, decline and new beginnings. In the midst of change, a landscape painter who knows how to capture the horizons where history, present and future meet. Carl Rottmann, who would remain devoted to monumental landscape painting throughout his life, immortalized not mere sections of nature, but sites of historical activity, relics of human civilization. His views will earn him the favor of a king and lead to a break with idealized classicism.

Born the son of a university drawing teacher, Rottmann is predestined to pursue a career in the performing arts. He learns to hold a paintbrush even before he takes his first steps. His father teaches and encourages the young talent. Rottmann spends his youth in the company of artists and free spirits, soaking up influences from Johann Christian Xeller and George Augustus Wallis. It is the pre-Alpine landscapes that awaken Rottmann's sense of aesthetics, his passion for nature, for the traces of history that rise up in it. The mountains and hills, Heidelberg Castle, the Neckar River are among Rottmann's earliest motifs. But the domestic world becomes narrow for him. The young man travels through Germany and Austria, finds inspiration in the Salzburg countryside. In Munich he finally meets his destiny. His marriage to Friederike Sckell brings him to the attention of none other than the Bavarian king.

Just thirty years old and in the prime of his creative power, Rottmann's world suddenly expands. Ludwig I wants a view of Palermo, finances the young painter's trip to Sicily. Rottmann finds himself at a crossroads. The fate of his future work depends on the monarch's approval or disapproval. But he masters the test. Ludwig I becomes an open admirer of Rottmann, who does not shy away from depicting decay and transience. The regent commissioned several cycles of paintings from his favorite landscape painter. The first comprises 28 paintings of Italian landscapes in fresco technique and is to adorn the arcades of the Munich Hofgarten. Rottmann worked for three years on the commission, the completed result of which fell victim far too early to the inclement German weather, the influence of a nearby fountain, and wanton vandalism. But Rottmann knows nothing of this when he begins a second cycle of paintings in 1833. At the request of the king he was to immortalize 38 views of ancient Greek sites. Rottmann undertook an extended trip to Greece, experienced hardships and unrest. Back in Munich, he works under the scrupulous observation of the king, who checks the progress of his work almost daily. But progress was slow. Constantly, new decisions are made about technique, painting background, colors and the exhibition site. The undertaking turns into an odyssey. Rottmann's vision was reduced to 23 works, the completion took almost a third of his life. Although Rottmann was appointed court painter in 1841, shortly after the completion of the Greece cycle, he died, exhausted and tormented by pain, at the age of only 53, of an abdominal disease.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Meisterdrucke

Personalizing your art print at Meisterdrucke is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to design an artwork exactly to your specifications: Choose a frame, determine the image size, decide on a printing medium, and add suitable glazing or a stretcher frame. We also offer customization options such as mats, fillets, and spacers. Our customer service is available to help you design your perfect artwork.

At Meisterdrucke, you have the fascinating option to visualize the artwork you configured directly in your own space. For a tailored preview, simply upload a photo of your room and let the artwork appear on it. If you visit us via a mobile device, be it a phone or tablet, our augmented reality feature brings the image to life and seamlessly projects it into your space. An experience that uniquely combines art and technology.

Choosing the medium is often a matter of personal taste. To give you a clearer idea, we have provided some images for each medium. For a holistic experience, we also offer you a sample set of all paper variants so you can make a decision not just visually but also haptically. You can take advantage of the sample set free of charge – only the shipping costs will apply. You can order the sample set directly.

Do not worry. At Meisterdrucke, we do not proceed mechanically. We manually review each order. If there are any inconsistencies or peculiarities in the configuration, we will immediately contact you. Of course, our courteous and patient support is always at your side to assist you with the configuration. Together with you, we adjust your image by phone or email so that the final result exactly meets your expectations.

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Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

Do you have any questions?

Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


   Kärntner Strasse 46
        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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