Things Rick Astley Would NEVER Do: The T-Shirt. Be A Walking Rickroll!

Aug 22, 2011 at 2:36 pm

Our friends at Baked T's here in the Loop are currently displaying the above marvel of meme culture run amok. How confused is Rick Astley right now? Forgotten '80s pop star turned novelty obsession... we suppose there are worse ways to be famous in 2011.

Meanwhile, our biggest question is whether this shirt is even accurate: Can we really say Astely would never a) Run around plus b) Desert you? After all, the line is "run around and desert you," so it's really unfair to Rick to say he's promising both. Who knows? He might desert you, he just wouldn't run around first. This line of logic also applies, of course, to "Tell a lie" and "Hurt you." At the very least, this Sporcle quiz agrees with us.

Below, a sex tape of Barack Obama and Ernesto "Che" Guevara.