Fake freckles just started popping up on the cheeks of beauty lovers everywhere, so it was only a matter of time before their multi-colored counterparts made their way into the beauty world. 

Rainbow freckles are here, adding a splash of color to bare faces. Girls are rocking pinks, purple, blue, yellow, and even white and gold spots. 

To get the look, use a large-pore sponge to ~lightly~ dab on liquid lipsticks in any color you want. Check out the stunning trend below. 

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Headshot of Kelsey Stiegman
Kelsey Stiegman
Senior Style Editor

Kelsey is Seventeen.com's fashion expert and resident Harry Potter nerd. At the office, she spends her day writing about style, beauty, and literally every move Kylie Jenner makes. On the weekends, you can find her sifting through vintage shops and hunting for the perfect burger. Follow her on Instagram at @klstieg.