Present of German verb seifen

The conjugation of seifen (soap) in the present tense is: ich seife, du seifst, er seift, wir seifen, ihr seift, sie seifen. For this purpose, the endings -e, -st, -t, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem seif. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense. Comments


Translation of German seifen

German seifen
English soap
Russian намыливать, намылить, мылить
Spanish enjabonar, jabonar
French savonner
Turkish sabunlamak
Portuguese ensaboar, sabonar
Italian insaponare, lavare
Romanian săpuni
Hungarian szappanoz, beáztat
Polish mydlić, namydlać
Greek σαπουνίζω
Dutch met zeep wassen
Czech napěnit, mýdlit
Danish indsæbe
Ukrainian милити, намилювати
Arabicصابَن، غَسَلَ بالصابون
Persianصابون زدن، شستن با صابون
Urduصابن لگانا، سیپن

seifen in
seifen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Present of seifen

The verb seifen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Present Indicative

Present IndicativePresence

  • ich seife (1st PersonSingular)
  • du seifst (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er seift (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir seifen (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr seift (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie seifen (3rd PersonPlural)


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