Volume 1 of 2-volume set. Total of 1,566 extracts includes writings on painting, sculpture, architecture, anatomy, mining, inventions, and music. Dual Italian-English texts, with 186 plates plus over 500 additional drawings.
The book begins with Prophecies, followed by the Fables on animals, on lifeless objects, on plants, and the Studies on the Life and Habits of Animals, in which Leonardo presents a curious sequence of animals and their description.
... Leonardo nella Roma di Leone X. " In XLIII Lettura Vinciana . Vinci : Biblioteca Leonardiana , 2003 . Leonardo on Flight . Florence : Giunti Barbèra , 2004 . Leader , Anne . “ In the Tomb of Ser Piero ... Leonardo da Vinci , vol 167.
Das geheime Vermächtnis Band II Merlino Menzel Franz Wich. Leonardo da Vinci, Seemanns Künstlermappen 63, Artur Seemann, Verlag von Seemann & Co. Leipzig, 1935 Leonardo, Das Universalgenie, Alessandra Fregolent, Parthas Verlag Berlin ...
... Leonardo da Vinci in France , 141 . 8 Pedretti , Leonardo da Vinci in France , 24 , 154 . 9 De Beatis , The Travel Journal , 132–34 . 10 Author's interview with Delieuvin . 11 Taglialagamba , “ Leonardo da Vinci's Hydraulic Systems and ...
... Leonardo da Vinci, 2 vols, New York and Basel, 1954. (16) E. MacCurdy, The Mind of Leonardo da Vinci, London, Toronto and New York, 1932. (17) F. Malaguzzi-Valeri, La Corte di Ludovico il Moro, 3 vols, Milan, 1913, 1917, and 1923 ...
Anatomical Drawings from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle Leonardo (da Vinci), Kenneth David Keele, Jane Roberts. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA Leonardo , da. The numerical references in the ...
Frank Zöllner. Bibliography Leonardo da Vinci , Das Buch von der Malerei , ed . by . H. Ludwig , 3 vols . , Vienna , 1882 . L. Beltrami , Documenti e memorie riguardanti la vita e le opere di Leonardo da Vinci , Milan , 1919 . J.P. ...