Temperature conversion: Degree Celsius (centigrade) Fahrenheit, kelvin, Rankine, and Réaumur Enter the known temperature value and click calculate.
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Conversion of temperatures and formulas. Degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius (Centigrade), and to kelvin, Rankine, and Réaumur.
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Conversion of temperatures and formulas. Degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius (Centigrade), and to kelvin, Rankine, and Réaumur.
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Enter the known temperature on the appropriate line. The other boxes will show the conversions. You don't need a calculate bar.
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The unit is the degree Kelvin (K); 1 K has the same size as 1°C. Example: The frequency change from an increase in temperature of ϑ1 = 20°C to ϑ2 = 24°C ...
The speed of sound in air c is determined by the air itself and is not dependent upon the amplitude, frequency, or wavelength of the sound.
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This value of c is usually used in formulas. This following formula has sufficient accuracy for sound engineers - the speed of sound in air (m/s) is a.
This calculator is to determine the speed of sound in humid or moist air (water vapor) according to Owen Cramer, "JASA, 93, p. 2510, 1993".
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Atmosphärischer Luftdruck p0 = 101325 Pa = 1013,25 mbar = 1013,25 hPa und R = 287,058 J/kg · K. Bei T0 = 273,15 K (0 °C) (Normalbedingungen) ist die Luftdichte:
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... kategorien um. masse, länge, temperatur, fläche, volumen, energie, winkel, speichergrössen, zahlensysteme, geschwindigkeit umwandeln. Global Rank. - -.