Jun 2, 2005 · We present a proof procedure for classical and non-classical logics. The proof search is based on the matrix-characterization of validity ...
Abstract. We present a proof procedure for classical and non-classical logics. The proof search is based on the matrix-characterization of validity.
A Uniform Proof Procedure for Classical and Non-Classical Logics. Jens Otten ... We have presented a uniform proof procedure for classical and some non-classical.
Theorem: A Formula F is valid, iff there is. 1. a multiplicity µ,. 2. classical: a first-order substitution σ:=σQ (replacing terms for variables).
A uniform path-checking algorithm that operates on arbitrary (non-normal form) formulae and generalizes Bibel's connection method for classical logic and ...
Abstract: We present a uniform procedure for proof search in classical logic, intuition- istic logic, various modal logics, and fragments of linear logic.
People also ask · Jens Otten , Christoph Kreitz: A Uniform Proof Procedure for Classical and Non-Classical Logics. KI 1996: 307-319.
Abstract: We present a uniform procedure for proof search in classical logic, intuition- istic logic, various modal logics, and fragments of linear logic.
Abstract: We present a uniform procedure for proof search in classical logic, intuitionistic logic, various modal logics, and fragments of linear logic. It ...
We present a uniform procedure for proof search in classical logic, intuition- istic logic, various modal logics, and fragments of linear logic.