Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) ideally act as functions encoded in hardware, which produce a unique output, being referred to as a response, ...
In this paper we present a comprehensive set of schemes to generate Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) IDs out of raw results generated by multiple PUF designs.
Addressing the Effects of Temperature Variations on Intrinsic Memory-Based Physical Unclonable Functions ; Dokumententyp. Text/Abstract ; Bandtitel ; Verlag.
However, recent publications have revealed that temperature can have a dramatic effect on the performance of such intrinsic memory-based PUFs. Low temperatures ...
Addressing the Effects of Temperature Variations on Intrinsic Memory-Based Physical Unclonable Functions. Author, Anagnostopoulos, Nikolaos Athanasios; Arul ...
Addressing the Effects of Temperature Variations on Intrinsic Memory-Based Physical Unclonable Functions. 28th Crypto-Day. Kirchheim bei München, Germany ...
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Addressing the Effects of Temperature Variations on Intrinsic Memory-Based Physical Unclonable Functions. NA Anagnostopoulos, T Arul, Y Fan, C Hatzfeld, F ...
We propose a new type of attack against intrinsic SRAM PUFs, which takes advantage of data remanence effects exhibited due to low temperatures.
May 8, 2024 · In this work, we report highly reliable MRAM-based security devices, known as physical unclonable functions (PUFs), achieved by exploiting ...
Therefore, we can conclude that most, if not all, memory-based PUFs are somewhat dependent on the ambient temperature and are affected by changes of its value.