In [17–19], we derived an algorithm to adaptively control model and discretization errors with techniques from [14] for gas supply networks. In [20,21], we ...
Adjoint-based control of model and discretization errors for gas and water supply networks. P Domschke, O Kolb, J Lang. Computational optimization and ...
Oct 25, 2016 · Lang, Adjoint-based control of model and discretization errors for gas and water supply networks, in: Computational Optimization and ...
water and gas supply networks. Those networks mainly consist of pipes ... Lang, Adjoint-based control of model and discretization errors for gas flow ...
Oct 5, 2015 · Gugat, M.: Contamination source determination in water distribution networks ... Adjoint-based control of a new eulerian network model of air ...
Oct 23, 2013 · gas pipeline flow [1], supply chain [2], water channels [3, 4], or freeway traffic evolution [5, 6, 7]. Optimization and control of these ...
Various test cases involving Poisson equations and convection-diffusion-reaction equations with complex diffusion models (oscillating diffusion coefficient, ...
Adjoint-Based Control of Model and Discretization Errors for Gas and Water Supply Networks · Engineering, Environmental Science. Computational Optimization and ...
Modeling of digital water level control system in UTSG using adjoint-based Markov/CCMT method ... In the Section, a digital water level control system in a ...
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For these two models, model and discretization error ... Adjoint-based control of model and discretisation errors for gas and water supply networks.