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AmigaDE, zunächst auch als Amiga Everywhere und ab März 2002 als Amiga Anywhere vermarktet, ist eine betriebssystemunabhängige Softwareumgebung, ...
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AmigaAnywhere use to go under the name of AmigaDE, DE stands for Digital Environment, but was renamed so consumer and business could better understand the ...
Amiga, Inc. announced today that it has sold the Amiga Operating System to KMOS, Inc, allowing Amiga, Inc to focus on the growing mobile market.
Der Commodore Amiga (spanisch amiga ‚Freundin') war von Mitte der 1980er bis Anfang/Mitte der 1990er eine weit verbreitete Reihe von Computern.
Amiga Anywhere will be marketed as a cross-platform solution, providing the ability to execute applications on any hosted environment.
31.07.2013 · AmigaDE basiert auf dem Echtzeitbetriebssystem Elate der britischen Firma Taos und soll ähnlich Prozessorunabhängig, wie z.B. Java sein.
28.03.2002 · You will see how the AmigaDE differs from other platform idependent technologies. The main differences are incredible performance, flexibiliy ...
The AmigaDE takes a new departure from Classic OS in windows sizing, by allowing the user to choose, whenever possible, any of the windows borders. So, if you ...
The Amiga is back as the Amiga DE ! (or Digital Environment). It's a CPU independent system (using a TAO core) that runs on top of different CPU's and OSes.
Amiga, the Boing Ball logo, the slanted A logo, and the checkmark logo are trademarks of Amiga Corporation and may be registered internationally.