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BCC stands for “blind carbon copy.” Just like CC, BCC is a way of sending copies of an email to other people. The difference between the two is that, while you ...
The historic campus of Bronx Community College sits atop a hill overlooking the Harlem River. We offer more than 40 academic programs ranging from nursing ...
Since its chartering in 1965, Bristol Community College is where people turn to earn a degree, access work-related training, learn new leisure activities, ...
Weitere Fragen
Was genau ist BCC?
Wann sollte man BCC verwenden?
Ist BCC für den Empfänger sichtbar?
Was ist BCC bei Gmail?
BCC Research a trusted research partner, providing in-depth market research with actionable insights and custom consulting across life sciences, ...
A high quality education can be affordable! Tuition-Free College. File your FAFSA now! Calendar What's on the schedule?
Berkeley City College's mission is to promote student success, to provide our diverse community with educational opportunities, and to transform lives.
At Berkshire Community College, you'll find rigorous and high-quality programs at an affordable cost. BCC is a MA liberal arts community college, ...
Brunswick Community College provides opportunities for individuals to be successful through accessible, high quality, student-centered programs and services ...
Eine Blindkopie ist eine Nachrichtenkopie, die an einen zusätzlichen Empfänger gesendet wird, ohne dass der Hauptempfänger davon Kenntnis erhält. Dieses Konzept galt ursprünglich für die Papierkorrespondenz und gilt nun auch für E-Mails. Wikipedia (Englisch)
How to use Bcc (blind copy) in Outlook to send a private copy of a message to recipients you specify.
Was ist eine BCC-E-Mail? Eine BBC-E-Mail ist eine Nachricht, die an mehrere Empfänger gleichzeitig gesendet wird, wobei die E-Mail-Adressen im BCC-Feld vor den ...