... Computer - Aided Design of Fuzzy Systems Based on Generic VHDL Specifications " . IEEE Trans . on Fuzzy Systems , vol . 4 no . 4 pp . 403–417 , November of 1996 . [ 3 ] N. Manaresi , R. Rovatti , E. Franchi , R. Guerrieri and G ...
Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Abraham Kandel. [ 37 ] Patki : Fuzzy logic based hardware : Some experiences . In Proc ... Design and application of an analog fuzzy logic controller . IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems , 4 ( 4 ) : 429-438 ...
... Computer - Aided Design of Fuzzy Systems Based on Generic VHDL Specifications " , IEEE Trans . on Fuzzy Systems , Vol . 4 , N ° 4 , November 1996 . [ Hoos82 ] Holmblad P. and Ostergaard J. , " Fuzzy Information and Decision Processes ...
... FUZZY 3.0: A de- velopement environment for fuzzy systems. International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and ... Computer-Aided Design of Fuzzy Sys- tems Based on Generic VHDL Specifications. IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 4 ...
Put it all together - see examples and case studies illustrating how all of this is used to solve particular problems related to control and neuro-fuzzy applications
... Systems, 4(4), 460–475. doi:10.1109/91.544305 Eichfeld, H., Löhner, M., & Müller, M. (1992). Architecture of a CMOS fuzzy logic controller with optimized organisation and operator design ... Computer Society Press. Estlick, M., Leeser ...
... Computer - Aided Design of Fuzzy Systems Based on Generic VHDL Specifications . 2. Moore , W. and Luk , W , Editors , " Field Programmable Logic and Applications ” , Springer , Oxford 1995 . 3. Robert R Schaller , “ Moore's Law : past ...