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Nov 8, 2021 · We introduce a new hardware security primitive, the Distributed Memory Guard, and design the first security architecture that protects sensitive services in ...
Abstract—Emerging applications, like cloud services, are demanding more computational power, while also giving rise to various security.
Distributed Memory Guard: Enabling Secure Enclave Computing in NoC-based Architectures. Authors: Ghada Dessouky, Mihailo Isakov, Michel A. Kinsy, Pouya ...
The Distributed Computing Column covers the theory of systems that are composed of a number of interacting computing elements. These include problems of ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Distributed Memory Guard: Enabling Secure Enclave Computing in NoC-based Architectures'. Together they form a unique ...
In this work, we tackle these problems by a novel hardware security primitive, Distributed Memory Guard, and design the first security architecture that ...
Zeitouni: “Distributed Memory Guard: Enabling Secure Enclave Computing in NoC-based Architectures”, In the 58th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) ...
Distributed Memory Guard: Enabling Secure Enclave Computing in NoC-based Architectures. 58th Design Automation Conference. San Francisco, USA (05.-09.12 ...
Bibliographic details on Distributed Memory Guard: Enabling Secure Enclave Computing in NoC-based Architectures.
Distributed Memory Guard: Enabling Secure Enclave Computing in NoC-based Architectures ... In-Person Only. Back to top. Powered by Linklings · Built with Layers.