EMU: Effects on Social Security Systems. Manon Pigeau and W. Sesselmeier. Publications of Darmstadt Technical University, Institute for Business Studies (BWL) ...
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Dec 30, 2016 · The paper argues that in several EU members, the financial imbalance of social security institutions may constitute an impediment to meeting ...
Missing: Effects | Show results with:Effects
Within the context of EMU's impact on social protection and social policy, one factor which produces changes in the financing mechanisms are the criteria ...
Mar 1, 1997 · The Treaty prescribes, inter alia, limits on the overall deficit and gross debt of general government, including social security institutions, ...
The traditional boundary between the economic policy sphere and the political sphere is fading. One of the fundamental drawbacks of the creation of EMU is that ...
This opinion concerns the relationship between EMU convergence criteria and the funding of social security systems in the Member States of the European Union.
Section 4 discusses the impact of EMU on the social protection systems. In section 5 conclusions are drawn and some policy recommendations are presented. 70 ...
The paper argues that in several EU members, the financial imbalance of social security institutions may constitute an impediment to meeting these requirements.
... consequences of EMU on national welfare systems (such as the use of social policies as factors of adjustment to economic shocks and social competition). For ...
Missing: Security | Show results with:Security
The first question concerns the influence that the successive phases of European integration have exerted on social protection in the Member States. Can one ...