XAFS. A DATA ANALYSIS PROGRAM FOR MATERIALS SCIENCE. HARDWARE, 68000 series Apple Macintosh. DOWNLOAD, Download it Here. AUTHORS, Author, Markus Winterer.
The EXAFS data analysis software package EDA consists of a suite of programs running under Windows operating system environment and designed to perform all ...
This 3-day course offered by NSLS-II experts will introduce XAS data analysis for new and prospective users and provide an opportunity to perform real ...
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X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful tool to study local electronic and atomic structure of solids, liquids and gases in a wide range of external ...
Aug 12, 2021 · The EXAFS Data Analysis software package, called EDA, allows you to perform all stages of the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) ...
May 1, 2021 · We have developed a machine learning system for automated analysis of EXAFS spectroscopy measurements and demonstrated its effectiveness on measurements ...
The EXAFS Data Analysis (EDA) software package is a suite of XAFS analysis programs for IBM compatible PCs, written by Alexei Kuzmin. Follow this link to the ...
This 3-day course offered by NSLS-II experts will introduce XAS data analysis for new and prospective users and provide an opportunity to perform real ...
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The four-day session will provide training in XAS and EXAFS theory, experimental design, data acquisition strategies and FEFF based EXAFS data analysis.