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A technique to prepare well-equilibrated polymer melts is presented. The method, named fine-graining, consists of two steps: the generation of continuum random ...
A technique to prepare well-equilibrated polymer melts is presented. The method, named fine-graining, consists of two steps: the generation of continuum ...
Aug 4, 2009 · A technique to prepare well-equilibrated polymer melts is presented. The method, named fine-graining, consists of two steps: the generation of ...
A technique to prepare well-equilibrated polymer melts is presented. The method, named fine-graining, consists of two steps: the generation of continuum ...
A technique to prepare well-equilibrated polymer melts is presented. The method, named fine-graining, consists of two steps: the generation of continuum ...
The procedure ensures a good equilibration at long as well as short length-scales and it is very easy to implement. Melts of polyethylene, atactic polystyrene ...
Fine-graining without coarse-graining: an easy and fast way to equilibrate dense polymer melts ... Sorption and diffusion of carbon dioxide and nitrogen in ...
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Article title. Fine-graining without coarse-graining: an easy and fast way to equilibrate dense polymer melts ; Type. D - Journal article ; DOI. 10.1039/b902363a.
Feb 28, 2017 · We present a thorough analysis of the dynamic behaviour of hybrid atomistic/coarse-grained (CG) models of polymer melts.
Oct 5, 2023 · P. Carbone et al. Fine-graining without coarse-graining: an easy and fast way to equilibrate dense polymer melts ...