"Germany's Alien Mutuals - Some Stylized Facts about the Merger Wave of East German Co-operative Banks," Publications of Darmstadt Technical University ...
Germany's Alien Mutuals: Some Stylized Facts about the Merger Wave of East German Co-operative Banks ; Dokumenttyp: Zeitschriftenartikel ; Erscheinungsjahr: 1999.
Discover more about: Cooperation. Article. Germany's Alien Mutuals - Some Stylized Facts about the Merger Wave of East German Cooperative Banks. January 1970. M ...
Germany's Alien Mutuals - Some Stylized Facts about the Merger Wave of East German Cooperative Banks · M. Mayer · Dirk Schiereck · Read more.
The What, How, and Why of Financial Intermediaries. 55. Introduction. 55. How Does the Financial System Work? 56. Business Financing: Debt.
Apr 3, 2011 · characteristics similar to the stylized facts established on the basis of the business cycles of other countries and regions? We find that ...
Feb 21, 2020 · With the first wave of globalisation starting at the end of the 19th century large scale ... predicted job losse of around 900,000 (or about 2.5% ...
Jun 25, 2001 · economic development to identify some 'stylized facts' about the degree of feminization of the paid labour force and the extent of women's ...
While we often think of banks and capital markets as distinct and competitive, their boundaries have become ever less fulgent as banks and markets coevolve.
The rIBA's recent Eric Lyons and Span book about their ex-president reproduces some of the flagrantly sexist ads used to convince people to move to the back.