... in Spedition und Logistik. 5., überarbeitete Auf- lage. Darmstadt: Winklers. 3D Natives online (2017): Adidas startet additive Fertigung in der Serienproduktion: https://www.3dnatives.com/de/adidas-startet-additive-fertigung-in ...
Logistics is the ideal book for Bachelor students of logistics, providing a solid foundation as well as a practical guide. In modular and clear form, it explains key concepts, principles, and practices of logistics.
This work presents a comprehensive model of supply chain management. Experienced executives from 20 companies clearly define supply chain management, identifying those factors that contribute to its effective implementation.
It presents the central perspectives for a modern complexity management in supply chains. Therefore the book offers a fundamental understanding for workable complexity management concept their implementation to practitioners.
This volume addresses timely and relevant topics. Both researchers and practitioners are addressed and can obtain background information from current distributions by international authors presenting a state of the art research overview.
Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle. Following his doctorate, he moved to industry working in project management. The Editors: The series Suppy Chain Management is edited by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle and Prof. Dr. Michael Essig.