Jan 12, 2022 · In a preliminary study, we investigated a well shaped, inactive alluvial fan at an altitude of about 4200 m NN close to Ocongate, SE of Cusco.
The sediments consist mostly of clast-supported weakly stratified gravels with rounded components which we interpret as sheet-flood.
Holocene aggradation of alluvial fans and humidity change in the Eastern Cordillera, South Peru. Hinderer, Matthias ; Hornung, Jens ; Frechen, M. Hrsg ...
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Here we investigate the sedimentation history of two alluvial fans located in formerly glaciated valleys of the Cordillera Oriental, Peru.
Activity of alluvial fans could be documented during time spans 95–80 ka, 60–45 ka, 35–20 ka, as well as the Holocene. Numerical dating of marine terrace ...
2005: Holocene aggradation of alluvial fans and humidity change in the Eastern Cordillera, south Peru Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer ...
To improve knowledge about climatic and environmental changes in the western Andes of southern Peru, we present a high-resolution record of the Cerro Llamoca ...
Similar to some other European valley floors, Holocene floodplain aggradation is marked by two important breaks: (1) a millennial-scale delay between the ...
The mid-Holocene period of 8.6–5.6 ka is characterised by a series of episodic dry spells alternating with spells that are more humid. After a pronounced dry ...
Missing: aggradation alluvial fans Cordillera,
The alluvial fans emerge from the steep escarpment of the Coastal Cordillera which reaches elevations of almost 1900 m above sea level (asl) in this region. The ...