Jan 12, 2022 · In a preliminary study, we investigated a well shaped, inactive alluvial fan at an altitude of about 4200 m NN close to Ocongate, SE of Cusco.
The sediments consist mostly of clast-supported weakly stratified gravels with rounded components which we interpret as sheet-flood.
People also ask
Why are alluvial fans more conspicuous in deserts than in humid environments?
Alluvial fans are a conspicuous conical landform commonly developed where a channel emerges from a mountainous catchment to an adjoining valley (Figs. 14.1 and 14.2). Although present in perhaps all global climates, fans in deserts have been the most studied due to their excellent exposure and ease of access.
What are the depositional environments of alluvial fans?
'Alluvial fans' are depositional landforms that occur where confined streams fed by mountain catchments emerge, often via a narrow feeder canyon, onto a low-relief plain.
Why do alluvial fans form in the desert and not in more temperate climates?
Introduction. When it rains in arid environments, such as deserts, it often floods because there is little vegetation to trap water in soils and slow the runoff. Alluvial fans form in areas with a steep gradient from a drainage catchment to the basin floor.
What is an alluvial fan and where are alluvial fans usually formed?
An alluvial fan is a triangle-shaped deposit of gravel, sand, and even smaller pieces of sediment, such as silt. This sediment is called alluvium. Alluvial fans are usually created as flowing water interacts with mountains, hills, or the steep walls of canyons.
Holocene aggradation of alluvial fans and humidity change in the Eastern Cordillera, South Peru. Hinderer, Matthias ; Hornung, Jens ; Frechen, M. Hrsg ...
2005: Holocene aggradation of alluvial fans and humidity change in the Eastern Cordillera, south Peru Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer ...
Here we investigate the sedimentation history of two alluvial fans located in formerly glaciated valleys of the Cordillera Oriental, Peru.
Activity of alluvial fans could be documented during time spans 95–80 ka, 60–45 ka, 35–20 ka, as well as the Holocene. Numerical dating of marine terrace ...
The mid-Holocene period of 8.6–5.6 ka is characterised by a series of episodic dry spells alternating with spells that are more humid. After a pronounced dry ...
Missing: aggradation alluvial fans Cordillera,
Similar to some other European valley floors, Holocene floodplain aggradation is marked by two important breaks: (1) a millennial-scale delay between the ...
ABSTRACT: The geomorphology and stratigraphy of massive debris flows on the Eastern Andean Cordillera,. Colombia, indicate two distinct deposits can be ...
Apr 11, 2014 · an interplay of fan aggradation and peat growth (Schittek et al., 2012). ... western Andean Cordillera, southern Peru, during the Holocene, ...