... multiple kernel learning (MKL) method has been applied in object classification ... Insights from Classifying Visual Concepts with Multiple Kernel Learning.
... Insights from Classifying Visual Concepts with Multiple Kernel Learning. PloS One 7 (2012). Google Scholar. Nakajima, S., Binder, A., Müller, C.: Multiple ...
In object classification tasks from digital photographs, multiple categories are considered for annotation. Some of these visual concepts may have semantic ...
... visual sentiment detection, which further improved the experimental results. ... kernels via EMAP, and used multiple kernels learning for classification. MKL ...
Insights from Classifying Visual Concepts with Multiple Kernel Learning. CoRR. Alexander Binder; ,; Shinichi Nakajima; ,; Marius Kloft; ,; Christina Müller ...
For example, [13] used multiple visual features to classify flowers. Every ... His research interests include machine learning, pattern recognition and computer ...
Missing: Insights Concepts
Abstract: Combining information from various image descriptors has become a standard technique for image classification tasks. Multiple kernel learning ...
... 2 Vision + quadcopter in 2015. The UAV acquired images with the standard 14 ... Claudio Persello and George Vosselman contributed conceptual ideas ...
Jul 14, 2014 · The supervised learning includes classification and regression. ... What is the relationship between computer vision, machine learning artificial ...
Abstract. In object classification tasks from digital photographs, multiple cat- egories are considered for annotation. Some of these visual concepts may ...