Weintroduce the modeling, management, and playbackofinteractivemultimedia presentations into a database management system to give full support for distributed ...
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Can object-oriented DBMS handle multimedia?
What is an interactive multimedia presentation?
What are the necessary characteristics a system must satisfy to be considered an object-oriented DBMS?
What type of media objects are in a multimedia presentation?
Based upon the Object-Oriented approach, the STORM1 DBMS integrates structural and temporal aspects for managing different presentations of multimedia ...
In particular, this paper will focus on unique multimedia capabilities including multimedia object modeling, video data management, and distributed ...
Abstract. A MultiMedia DataBase Management System. (MMDBMS) must provide facilities to store, model and query multimedia data. In the context of the.
This paper identifies data modelling and data access and sharing requirements which multimedia applications impose on a database system.
Advanced multimedia applications call for integrated database system support for the management of multimedia data. Traditional database management systems ...
Here we discuss various aspects concerning multimedia data modelling. Moreover we propose an object oriented data base model (MOAP — Multimedia Object and ...
Missing: capabilities | Show results with:capabilities
Object-oriented databases have received considerable attention from the research community in the past few years. This work extends.
This dissertation proposes on object-oriented model for mangaging multimedia presentations ... multimedia data as well as functions for query presentation. Expand.
Events in Interactive Multimedia Applications: Modeling and Implementation Design. Michael Vazirgiannis*, Susanne Boll**.