"Long-term Performance of Management Buyouts - Evidence from Germany," Publications of Darmstadt Technical University, Institute for Business Studies (BWL) ...
Kitzmann, J. ; Schiereck, D. (2004) Long-term Performance of Management Buyouts - Evidence from Germany. In: Academy of Economics and Finance - Paper and ...
Buyouts generally have been associated with efficiency gains and de- creases in R&D intensity, but there is evidence that strategic innovation and R&D intensity ...
In terms of longevity, the evidence presented shows that the majority remain as independent buy-outs for at least eight years after the transaction, and that ...
Missing: Germany | Show results with:Germany
This thesis investigates value creation in MBO transactions and the effect of earnings management on the perceived performance improvements following buyout ...
In terms of longevity, the evidence presented shows that the majority remain as independent buy-outs for at least eight years after the transaction, and that ...
Missing: Germany | Show results with:Germany
We collect a comprehensive sample of 526 RLBOs between 1981 and 2003 and examine the three-year and five-year stock performance of these offerings.
In the first year of the LBO, it lost $488 million. More research is needed about the longer term effects of LBOs. With regard to the results of existing ...
This article investigates the impact of a majority management buyout (majority MBO) on the evolution of growth, performance and the level of employment of ...
Lastly, while the mix of buyout types and PE sponsor characteristics varies over time, we find little evidence that changes in this mix drive our key results.