The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) requires establishing and maintaining secure communication between smart devices to ensure user privacy ...
Oct 27, 2021 · Zero-interaction pairing (ZIP) and zero-interaction authentication (ZIA) are recent techniques that allow pairing or authenticating devices ...
Recent research utilizes the rich sensing capabilities of smart devices to build security schemes operating without human interaction, such as zero-interaction ...
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Oct 11, 2022 · "Balancing Security and Usability of Zero-interaction Pairing and Authentication for the Internet-of-Things." Proceedings of the 2th ...
The first experiment measures the time to create 1000 directories, each containing a zero length file. The results are shown in Figure 6. Each new directory ...
First, they offer high usability by minimizing user involvement in pairing and authentication procedures. Second, ZIS schemes can scale to a large number of ...
In this paper, we present a new approach for secure zero-interaction pairing suitable for IoT and wearable devices. We primarily require pairing to happen ...
We analyze and compare the two most commonly used reconciliation schemes in terms of security and usability to select the better scheme with the best ...
This workshop aims to serve as a forum for researchers who are interested in ZIA to discuss unsolved problems and formulate new research directions with the ...
Recently, zero-interaction pairing and authentication (ZIPA) has emerged as a promising solution to this challenge, and researchers have devised various ...
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