Mass Data Graphics Requirements for Symbol Generators: Example 2D Airport Navigation and 3D Terrain Function. J. Schiefele*, J Bader, S. Kastner, ...
All software and the API must be aviation certified. As an example application, a 2D airport navigation function and a 3D terrain visualization is presented.
All software and the API must be aviation certified. As an example application, a 2D airport navigation function and a 3D terrain visualization is presented.
Schiefele, et al. Mass data graphics requirements for symbol generators: example 2D airport navigation and 3D terrain function. Proc. SPIE: Enhanced and ...
Mass data includes terrain, obstacle, and airport databases. ... required features of an aviation certified 2D/3D graphics board. ... airport navigation functions ...
Mass data graphics requirements for symbol generators: example 2D airport navagation and 3D terrain function · NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS). Schiefele ...
Mass data graphics requirements for symbol generators: Example 2D airport navigation and 3D terrain function ... Mass data includes terrain, obstacle, and airport ...
Mass data graphics requirements for symbol generators: example 2D airport navagation and 3D terrain function · Engineering, Computer Science. SPIE Defense + ...
AEDT is designed to process individual studies ranging in scope from a single flight at an airport to scenarios at the regional, national, and global levels.
Mass data graphics requirements for symbol generators: example 2D airport navagation and 3D terrain function [4713-22]. J. Schiefele, J. Bader, S. Kastner, T ...