The multi-resolution terrain concept is integrated into a hi-level certifiable 2D/3D scene graph rendering system. It runs on an aviation certifiable embedded ...
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An overview of SVS, sensors required to improve the reliability of such a system are provided, a study of critical technologies such as synthetic database, ...
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Multi-resolution terrain depiction on an embedded 2D/3D synthetic vision system. By: Wiesemann, T.; Schiefele, J.; Kubbat, W.
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In this paper a method for adaptive terrain meshing and depiction for SVS is presented. The initial dat set is decomposed by using wavelet transform. By ...
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A new method for adaptive terrain meshing and depiction for SVS is presented and this representation enhances fast interactive computations and real-time ...
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Multi-resolution terrain depiction on an embedded 2D/3D synthetic vision system. Author: WIESEMANN, Thorsten1 ; SCHIEFELE, Jens1 ; KUBBAT, Wolfgang2
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Apr 1, 2007 · S9: VV was below the terrain. Saw OTW equaling inside, and it was large and scary. S10: Terrain depiction itself (amount of green in picture).
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[XAY] WIESEMANN T ET AL: "Multi-resolution terrain depiction on an embedded 2D/3D synthetic vision system", AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ELSEVIER MASSON, ...
Multi-resolution terrain depiction on an embedded 2D/3D synthetic vision system. (2005) Thorsten Wiesemann et al. cited 3 times Aerospace Science and Technology.
Particularly future Vertical Cut Displays or 3D Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS) require accurate and hi-resolution data to offer a reliable terrain depiction.
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