Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
... Efficient and accurate lp-norm multiple kernel learning. In: Bengio, Y., Schuurmans, D., Lafferty, J., Williams ... Non-sparse regularization and efficient training with multiple kernels. Technical Report UCB/EECS-2010-21, EECS ...
Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
... Non - sparse regularization and efficient training with multiple kernels . Machine Learning , 2010 . 187. W. Ma , S. Xia , J. Hodgins , X. Yang , C. Li , and Z. Wang . Modeling style and variation in human motion . Proceeding of the 9th ...
Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
Regularization, Optimization, Kernels, and Support Vector Machines offers a snapshot of the current state of the art of large-scale machine learning, providing a single multidisciplinary source for the latest research and advances in ...
Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
... 2. Alpert , S. , Kisilev , P .: Unsupervised detection of abnormalities in medical images ... Multiple kernel learning algorithms . J. Mach . Learn . Res . 12 ( 8 ) ... Non - sparse regularization and efficient training with multiple kernels ...
Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
This volume offers researchers and engineers practical solutions for learning from large scale datasets, with detailed descriptions of algorithms and experiments carried out on realistically large datasets.
Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
... Sparse Version the average output for each class equals the label ; in other ... non - zero ; as possible , following [ 366 ] . 15.3 Efficient Training ... Kernel Fisher Discriminant Efficient Training of Kernel Fisher Discriminants.
Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
Aiming at solving large-scale learning problems, this book tackles the key research problems ranging from feature selection to learning with mixed unlabeled data and learning data similarity representation.
Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
Presents optimization tools and techniques dedicated to such sparsity-inducing penalties from a general perspective.
Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
... training examples . III . CONCLUSIONS We have reviewed different aspects of the multiple kernel learning including , formulations , optimization schemes , regularizers , selection of kernels ... Regularization , Optimization , and Beyond .
Non-Sparse Regularization and Efficient Training with Multiple Kernels from
... non - linear dimensionality reduction through the use of kernels [ 37 ] . In ... Training of Soft Clustering Trees Our unconstrained formulation in Sect ... regularization term that encour- ages branching nodes to make equal use ...