property that all operators ad X , X∈p are diagonalizable over R. We call such elements hyperbolic, and the elements X∈k are elliptic in the sense.
On hyperbolic cones and mixed symmetric spaces. Krötz, Bernhard; Neeb, Karl-Hermann ˇ Journal of Lie Theory (1996). Volume: 6, Issue: 1, page 69-146; ISSN: 0949 ...
Introduction. It was a fundamental observation of Cartan's that each real semisimple Lie alge- bra g admits an involutive automorphism, nowadays called ...
From Euler elements and 3-gradings to non-compactly causal symmetric spaces ˇ Mathematics, Physics ˇ 2022.
On hyperbolic cones and mixed symmetric spaces. Krötz, Bernhard ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann. Journal of Lie Theory, Tome 6 (1996), p. 69-146 / Harvested from The ...
On hyperbolic cones and mixed symmetric spaces. Krötz B, Neeb KH (1996). Publication Type: Journal article, Original article. Publication year: 1996. Journal.
Abstract. Heterogeneous networks contain multiple types of nodes and links, with some link types encapsulating hierarchical structure over en- tities.
Apr 8, 2023 ˇ We establish that all hyperbolicity cones are amenable. As part of the argument, we show that any face of a hyperbolicity cone is a hyperbolicity cone.
We find that products of hyperbolic spaces improve performance on benchmark evaluations—suggesting that words form multiple smaller hierarchies rather than ...
In particular, ConE uses cone containment constraints in different subspaces of the hyperbolic embedding space to capture multiple heterogeneous hierarchies.