Productizing humanitarian telecommunications research: A case study of the Serval Mesh Extender. Abstract: The Servai Mesh Extender is a low-cost open-source ...
Productizing Humanitarian Telecommunications. Research: A Case Study of the Serval Mesh. Extender. Paul Gardner-Stephen and Romana Challans and Jeremy Lakeman ...
The Mesh Extender has been under development for five years, and is just now transitioning from a primarily University research system, into a mass-producible ...
The Mesh Extender has been under development for five years, and is just now transitioning from a primarily University research system, into a mass-producible ...
Fingerprint. Dive into the research topics of 'Productizing humanitarian telecommunications research: A case study of the Serval Mesh Extender'.
2017. Productizing humanitarian telecommunications research: A case study of the serval mesh extender. P Gardner-Stephen, R Challans, J Lakeman, A Bettison, P ...
A limited-edition transparent exemplar of the third-generation. Productizing humanitarian telecommunications research: A case study of the Serval Mesh Extender.
Productizing humanitarian telecommunications research: A case study of the serval mesh extender. P Gardner-Stephen, R Challans, J Lakeman, A Bettison, P ...
Productizing humanitarian telecommunications research: A case study of the Serval Mesh Extender · Demonstrating a Low-Cost and Zero-Recurrent-Cost Hybrid Mesh & ...
Apr 25, 2024 · Productizing humanitarian telecommunications research: A case study of the Serval Mesh Extender. GHTC 2017: 1-10. [c4]. view. electronic ...