... Quantenzustand der Wellen- gleichung eines Systems von N Elektronen und einem genäherten Quanten- zustand , den wir so konstruieren , daß wir die N Elektronen N verschie- denen Niveaus zuweisen . Zu jedem dieser Niveaus gehört eine ...
Collecting the results of QES models in a unified and accessible form, Quasi-Exactly Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics provides an invaluable resource for physicists using quantum mechanics and applied mathematicians dealing with linear ...
I challenged this basic philosophy in this book. Quantum mechanics cannot be modeled by using any classical mechanics model, but it can be modeled by using the equivalent circuit model of electronics.
Our overview does not pretend to be either complete or exhaustive. But, we aim to introduce psychologists and social scientists to this challenging new research area, encouraging them, at the same time, to consider its promising results.
Introducing the basic principles in an easy-to-follow way, this book does not assume a physics background or a quantum brain and comes complete with a tutorial and fully worked-out applications in important areas of cognition and decision.
The book introduces tools with which models of quantum matter are built. The most important technique, the Bethe ansatz, is developed in detail to perform exact calculations of the physical properties of quantum matter.
Finally, a question is posed: whether there is a necessary role for quantum mathematical models to go beyond physics. This book will bring the latest and most cutting edge research on quantum theory to social science disciplines.