This article is devoted to the problem (1.1) of quasistatic viscoelasticity. It turns out that (1.1) can be rewritten as an abstract initial value problem.
We prove existence and uniqueness of solutions, and stability with respect to the data. In Sects. 3 and 4 we apply our abstract results to the viscoelastic ...
Remarks on the quasistatic problem of viscoelasticity: Existence, uniqueness and homogenization. Stefan Ebenfeld. Darmstadt University of Technology, 64289 ...
We model and analyze the process of quasistatic contact with friction between a viscoelastic body and a foundation, and the resulting damage caused by ...
For both kinds of schemes we prove existence and uniqueness results. We show convergence of the discrete solutions under the basic solution regularity available ...
Missing: homogenization | Show results with:homogenization
Ebenfeld, Remarks on the quasistatic problem of viscoelasticity: Existence, uniqueness and homogenization, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 14,6 (2002), 511–526 ...
Ebenfeld, Remarks on the quasi-static problem of viscoelasticity. Existence, unique- ness and homogenization, to appear in Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., 2001 ...
The existence theory to an internal variable model for viscoelastic or viscoplastic solids at small strain is studied.
Abstract. We consider a model for quasistatic frictional contact between a viscoelastic body and a foundation. The material constitutive relation is assumed ...
... problem in viscoelasticity ... Stefan Ebenfeld 2002: Remarks on the quasistatic problem of viscoelasticity: Existence, uniqueness and homogenization ...