Resonance parameters of the first 1/2^{ } state in 9Be and astrophysical implications from
... first 1 / 2 + state in ' Be from electron scattering and astrophysical implications ... resonance parameters of the first 1 / 2 + state in ' Be have been derived in ... 9Be , electron scattering PACS : 25.30.Dh , 26.20.Fj , 26.30.Hj ...
Resonance parameters of the first 1/2^{ } state in 9Be and astrophysical implications from
... state ( J = 3 , г ( 2.03 ± 0.15 ) MeV ) and first excited state ( J = 1/2 , Ex = ( 10.21 ± 0.28 ) MeV , г = ( 1.49 ... 9Be are calculated on a multichannel three - body model in which the internal structure of the a particle is ...
Resonance parameters of the first 1/2^{ } state in 9Be and astrophysical implications from
... astrophysical 12N ( p , γ ) 130 reaction rate from the 2H ( 12N , 13O ) n reaction and its astrophysical implications . Phys . Rev. C 87 : 015803 . doi : 10.1103 / PhysRevC.87.015803 Herndl , H. , Hofinger , R. , Jank , J. , Oberhummer ...
Resonance parameters of the first 1/2^{ } state in 9Be and astrophysical implications from
Originally published in 1982, this collection of essays provides an integrated overview of the application of nuclear science to astronomy.
Resonance parameters of the first 1/2^{ } state in 9Be and astrophysical implications from
... state of spin ( 1,2,3 ) + exists near 1.12 MeV in 24 Al . PHYSICS RESEARCH ( CONT . ) ENERGY RESEARCH ABSTRACTS The ... resonance , it is concluded that the results imply that <BR> / sub n / ≈ 1.3 <BR> / sub p / , or alternatively ...
Resonance parameters of the first 1/2^{ } state in 9Be and astrophysical implications from
... first application of the seminal theoretical work done by Hill and Van Vleck ... state . These formulas , as well as the previ- ously derived lower - order ... parameters to fit 655 term values for the A2Π ( v = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ) ...
Resonance parameters of the first 1/2^{ } state in 9Be and astrophysical implications from
Presents the physics of stars in relation to modern topics such as neutrino oscillations, supernovae, black holes, and gravitational waves.
Resonance parameters of the first 1/2^{ } state in 9Be and astrophysical implications from
This book contains chapters on some of the crucial and trending research topics in nuclear structure, including the nuclei lying on the extremes of spin, isospin and mass.
Resonance parameters of the first 1/2^{ } state in 9Be and astrophysical implications from
... ( 1/2 ) p . 64-76 Using the experimental free - scattering phase shifts as ... first by means of a naive model and then within a coupled- channel calculation in which the Hilbert space is enlarged in order to include the A resonance ...