Restitution of extensively grazed sandy pastures landscape in the Emsland region (Lower Saxony, northwestern Germany). Edit. Research paper thumbnail of Fraß ...
As part of a rehabilitation project an alluvial pasture landscape along the River Hase (Ems river basin) was to be redeveloped. The dikes were set back and soil ...
In the Emsland region (northwestern German lowland) it was possible to restore inland sand dune complexes in an alluvial pasture landscape, characterised by ...
[Restorations of alluvial pasture landscapes of inland dunes and wetlands in the Emsland region (north-western Germany).] Article. Full-text available. Jan 2004.
Grassland restoration in practice: Do we achieve the targets? A. 751 case study from Saxony-Anhalt/Germany. Ecol Eng. 37, 1149–1157. 752 ...
Aug 29, 2022 · We also find that in the accommodation areas in Fryslân, white- fronted and greylag geese contribute significantly less to assessed grassland ...
Missing: Restitution sandy Emsland northwestern
Restitution of extensively grazed sandy pastures landscape in the Emsland region (Lower Saxony, northwestern Germany). In: Landschaft im Wandel - Ökologie ...
Our results indicate a consistent trend towards much more species-poor communities dominated by mow-tolerant, N-demanding competitive grasses.
Missing: Restitution sandy Emsland
May 15, 2018 · Grassland restoration in practice: Do we achieve the targets? A case study from. Saxony-Anhalt/Germany. Ecological Engineering. 37, 1149–1157 ...
Mar 20, 2015 · For the conservation management of small calcareous grasslands, we advocate an alternating strategy of mowing or lenient grazing and short-term ...
Missing: Restitution sandy pastures Emsland