Schlieren are optical inhomogeneities in transparent media that are not necessarily visible to the human eye. Schlieren physics developed out of the need to ...
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Schlieren photography is a process for photographing fluid flow. Invented by the German physicist August Toepler in 1864 to study supersonic motion, ...


Schlieren are optical inhomogeneities in transparent media that are not necessarily visible to the human eye. Schlieren physics developed out of the need to produce high-quality lenses devoid of such inhomogeneities. Wikipedia
Schlieren systems are used to visualize the flow away from the surface of an object. The schlieren system shown in this figure uses two concave mirrors on ...
Schliere are refractive index or density gradients that deflect light as it passes through their medium. The phenomena are thus the same as in the shadow ...
How It Works. A long focal-length mirror is used to focus a point source of light onto a thin wire (or razor blade edge), which acts as a light block.
1. small masses or streaks in an igneous rock that differ in composition from the main body 2. regions of varying refraction in a transparent medium.
Video for Schlieren
Sep 30, 2017 · How Schlieren imaging works in color, black and white and slow-mo. Get a free audiobook with ...
Duration: 8:59
Posted: Sep 30, 2017
A Schlieren system leverages the principal of refraction, and some clever optics to allow for the visualization of differences in density of transparent media.
Cavitar Schlieren Imaging Solutions allows flow visualization, revealing the invisible flow patterns in your process through optical methods.
SCHLIEREN. Schlieren imaging is used as a means of visualizing changes in pressure, temperature and shock waves in a transparent medium such as air.