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Experimental set-up and results. The experimental set-up consists of three main parts: the electron gun, a laser ion source (LIS) and various beam diagnostics.
... of the plasma in a large expansion chamber. Insights in the caesium evaporation and distribution in the ion source could allow for a reduction of the.
Sep 1, 2000 · Figure 1 shows the set-up of ion neutralization experiments ... A convenient type of ion source for pulsed ion beam compensation is a laser-.
Abstract. The Versatile Arc Discharge and Laser Ion Source (VADLIS) is a recently established ion source for the CERN-ISOLDE radioactive ion beam facility.
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NEUTRALIZATION OF INTENSE ION BEAMS. Several methods of plasma production for ion beam space- charge neutralization are being considered as candidates for.
Based on the requirements for heating and current drive of a DEMO (tokamak) device a neutral beam injection. (NBI) system faces several challenges, ...
This method is applied to a beam profile monitor close to the ion source of the FETS ... experiments at a different set-up ... One outcome of this work is a need ...
Apr 6, 2023 · We propose and demonstrate a nonintrusive diagnostic technique for measuring longitudinal bunch profiles of an operational high-power ...
We demonstrate the use of high power diode laser stacks to photodetach fast hydrogen and carbon anions and produce ground term neutral atomic beams.
Aug 12, 2022 · A. Fassina et al., Performance analysis and application study of a laser enhancement cavity for photo-neutralization of Negative Ion Beams.