... Daimler AG im März 2009470 und die nachfolgenden Beteiligungen des Staatsfonds ... Einstieg des hauptsächlich in die fossile Brennstoffindustrie investierenden ... Aabar, um beiden Unternehmen die Möglichkeit zu eröffnen, „das ...
The strength of this book is that it summarises a vast amount of the modern literature in monetary economics. . . the book provides detailed and clear descriptions of monetary models.
Fixed exchange rates have been a bad bargain for the CFA member countries. Under reasonable tradeoffs between output and inflation, these countries would have been better off having the flexibility to adjust to external shocks.
Using a central bank legislation database, this paper documents and analyzes worldwide institutional arrangements for central bank lending to the government and identifies international practices.
Alongside an original introduction, this important collection assembles key papers exploring a range of themes in these two waves of research, including subtopics such as reassessment of optimal currency area theory, new views on the policy ...